The Research, Development and Innovation Council (R&D&I Council) is a professional and consultancy body of the Government of the Czech Republic in the field of research, experimental development and innovation.

The Council is established and its activities are governed by Act No 130/2002 on the support  of research, experimental development and innovation from public resources and amending certain related acts (the Act on the Promotion of Research, Experimental Development and Innovation), as amended.

The Council is an active moderator and coordinator of debates among main actors of management and operation of R&D&I system in the Czech Republic.

In the performance of its tasks, the Council shall cooperate with central administrative authorities and institutions engaged in research, experimental development and innovation.

The Council shall report to the Government on its activities and, where necessary, shall submit recommendations and reports on the state of research, experimental development and innovation.

Website link

R&D&I Council

Digital technology / specialisation

  • Digital skills

Geographic Scope - Country

  • Czech republic

Target audience

  • Digital skills for the labour force.
  • Digital skills for ICT professionals and other digital experts.