What if the European Parliament could be transformed into a 2-day bootcamp for 1,200 young people from across Europe to boost their skills? LevelUp! is making it happen!

On 28-29 October, “Level Up! Accelerating change” will be taking over the European Parliament in Brussels, creating a space for young activists to learn practical skills, connect and maximise their impact in their communities.

Type of activities

  • Workshops – Practical skills: Workshops aiming at capacity building/skills development with expert trainers. 24 different workshops, 8 per zone (Advocacy, Organisation, Communication). 60 minutes with up to 50 participants. (each of the workshops will be repeated 8 times)
  • Plenaries: Activities where all the participants will gather together, have the chance to talk with High Level politicians, share their experiences and get motivated by stories of other young people that are doing change in their communities.
  • Open space activities: Activities organised by the European Youth Forum and partners. They will be ongoing through the 2 days and should be designed to offer space for participation and learning of tools that might be useful for the young people when they arrive back to their communities.
  • Evening activities: Informal non-obligatory parts of the programme that will be aiming of getting to know each other for the participants but also the partners. The activities will also offer space for networking and celebration of the Year of Youth!
  • Visiting Brussels: Optional activities in the free time for participants to visit parts of Brussels, be part of a treasure hunt. Visit the Parlamentarium and the House of the European History.

Register now and make sure you have one of the limited places!

© Level Up!

Start date


End date


Digital technology / specialisation

  • Digital skills

Digital skill level

  • Intermediate

Geographic Scope - Country

  • European Union

Type of initiative

EU institutional initiative

Target audience

  • Digital skills in education.

Target language

  • English


Event setting

  • On Location

