ARIS Project – AI Skills Package for ICT professionals

A package of free training and assessment materials in Artificial Intelligence and some curricula on AI for ICT... Read More → ARIS Project – AI Skills Package for ICT professionals

DLT4ALL – Blockchain webinars and Use Cases

The Erasmus+ project with the goal to make Blockchain and DLT understandable to all through useful free resources.... Read More → DLT4ALL – Blockchain webinars and Use Cases

My DigiSkills Online Tool

All Digital's tool to self-assess your digital skills in 20 minutes.... Read More → My DigiSkills Online Tool

CEPIS DiversIT Charter

The European Digital Women Diversity Charter - by CEPIS. ... Read More → CEPIS DiversIT Charter

The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI)

A composite index, which assesses EU Member States' digital performance, tracking and visualising progress. ... Read More → The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI)

What challenges and opportunities does technology bring to the labour market? [Skills of the Future Podcast]

This podcast by Bruegel looks at how technological development has affected skills. ... Read More → What challenges and opportunities does technology bring to the labour market? [Skills of the Future Podcast]

5G Knowledge Map – European Science-Media Hub

An interactive way to track the development of 5G and digital knowledge throughout Europe. ... Read More → 5G Knowledge Map – European Science-Media Hub

Skills-OVATE: Skills Online Vacancy Analysis Tool for Europe

Skills-OVATE offers detailed information on the jobs and skills employers demand based on online job advertisements... Read More → Skills-OVATE: Skills Online Vacancy Analysis Tool for Europe

Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp)

Discover DigComp, the European digital competence framework by the JRC which is a tool to improve citizens’ digital... Read More → Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp)

Diginno Tool – SME Digital Maturity Recommender

A self-assessment tool for SME management-level workforce. ... Read More → Diginno Tool – SME Digital Maturity Recommender