On November 24 the European Commission launched the Erasmus+ General Call 2022. The Call includes several opportunities to boost digital skills for European citizens. In particular, the Call will provide funding for a number of high-quality and inclusive digital education activities and projects, in line with the aims of the Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027).

The Programme has an increased budget of nearly €3.9 billion for the next year, and comes with several features including:

  • The Digital Opportunity Traineeship (DOT): this call aims to provide visibility to the growing needs of digital skills in all study fields and to support students, recent graduates, schools professionals, VET, HE and Adult Learning institutions in acquiring the digital skills necessary for their future.
  • Cooperation Partnerships: this action aims to develop digital transformation plans of education and training institutions (including primary and secondary schools, VET, HE and adult learning institutions).
  • Forward-looking projects: new large-scale projects that will support high-quality and inclusive digital education and the adaptation of education and training systems to the green transition. Projects will address specifically at least one of the following three areas:
       o    Key success factors for inclusive and high quality digital education and training
       o    Artificial Intelligence in Education;
       o    High-quality digital education content.

In addition to the General Call, the annual work programme also includes other actions to be launched separately, such as the European Universities Initiative.

Check out this page to find more details about the calls. For further information on how to apply, please consult the Programme Guide 2022

For a complete overview on open and forthcoming calls, please visit the European Commission Funding&Tender portal.


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Digital technology / specialisation

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Cybersecurity
  • Internet of Things
  • Robotics
  • Software
  • Mobile Application Development
  • Web Development
  • Digital skills

Digital skill level

  • Basic
  • Intermediate

Geographic Scope - Country

  • European Union

Type of initiative

EU institutional initiative