The EU Datathon 2022, the annual European Open Data competition, has been officially opened on February 7 and it is the chance for all open data enthusiasts and application developers worldwide to take part and submit their project by 31st March 2022.

The eyes are on the prizes: 200.000 Euros of total prize fund and the Public Choice Award, but also international visibility for the most innovative ideas. For those wanting to know how the challenge works in detail and how to apply, two webinars are already scheduled by the organisers on February 18 and 25 (more information is available here). How does it work? The applicants have to propose an idea for an application that links and uses open datasets to address one of the four challenges:

•    Challenge 1: The European Green Deal
•    Challenge 2: Transparency in public procurement
•    Challenge 3: EU public procurement opportunities for young people
•    Challenge 4: A Europe fit for the digital age

The idea is to use some of the many datasets available on or for challenges 2 or 3 to use at least one dataset published by the EU Tenders Electronic Daily (TED). 

Twenty-four teams, six teams per challenge, will be pre-selected and will be invited to further work on their project idea and present a full proposal by 26 June 2022. The jury will then evaluate the proposals and select twelve finalist teams, three teams per challenge. The finalists will be invited to develop their application and present it at the final event on 20 October 2022. There is also a EUR 1 000 consolation prize for those who won’t be selected, so not too bad!

The final ranking of the winning teams for each challenge will be decided at this event and the teams will be awarded the following prizes for each of the challenges:
•    First place: EUR 25 000
•    Second place: EUR 15 000
•    Third place: EUR 7 000

EU Datathon 2022 is organised by the Publications Office of the European Union and contributes to the European Year of Youth 2022, an initiative that features events and activities dedicated to young people all around Europe. 


© Publications Office of the European Union


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EU Datathon 2022

Digital technology / specialisation

  • Big Data
  • Software
  • Mobile Application Development
  • Digital skills

Digital skill level

  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
  • Digital Expert

Geographic Scope - Country

  • European Union
  • Non-EU

Type of initiative

EU institutional initiative