The Cedefop event Powering the European digital transition – What can we learn from Cedefop’s 2nd European skills and jobs survey?, will take place online from 9 to 14 December

The main aim of the conference is to discuss with the European policy and expert community, social partners and a wider group of stakeholders and participants the main findings of Cedefop’s 2nd ESJS focused on digitalisation and skill mismatches in Europe. Cedefop will aim to involve experts and other participants in reflecting on the implications of the findings for up- and re-skilling, vocational education and training (VET) and skills policies.

At the conference, Cedefop will:

  • Launch the new Cedefop ESJS2 indicator online web tool and Cedefop’s revamped Matching skills online webtool;
  • Collect feedback from participants on the ESJS2 findings they consider most relevant from a policy perspective;
  • Reflect, jointly with sectoral stakeholders, on the implications of digitalisation for changing skill needs and VET policies in sectors;
  • Present findings from research and analyses exploring the implications of digitalisation for skill mismatch;
  • Showcase good practices of VET and skills policies aimed at digital skills development and/or skills matching.


Technological change and digitalisation, particularly new intelligent automation or Industry 4.0 technologies (e.g. advanced robotics, artificial intelligence, 3D printing), has become a megatrend reshaping labour market and skills trends in Europe. Cedefop’s European skills and jobs survey (ESJS) already showed in its first wave that about 14% of EU jobs were likely to be fully automated, with such automation risks disproportionally affecting low-skilled people in routine jobs that offer little, if any, vocational training. The Covid-19 pandemic, which accelerated the proliferation of digital working and learning, has accentuated these trends.

Digitalisation has become a game changer, and its role in shaping the future of work, skills and learning now tops EU and national policy agendas. But evidence-based policy making to accompany and shape change brought about by digital technology, the challenges linked to the pandemic and the ongoing green transition, requires scientifically sound data and analysis.

Fielded in summer 2021 in all EU27 Member States and Norway/Iceland (EU+), Cedefop’s 2nd European skills and jobs survey (ESJS2) collected information from a representative sample of about 46 000 adult workers on how digitalisation affects them, their skills match with their jobs and their readiness to invest in continuous vocational training to adapt to technological change.

© Cedefop

Start date

09/12/2022 08:30

End date


Digital technology / specialisation

  • Digital skills

Digital skill level

  • Digital Expert

Geographic Scope - Country

  • European Union

Type of initiative

EU institutional initiative

Target audience

  • Digital skills for the labour force.
  • Digital skills in education.

Target language

  • English

Event setting

  • Virtual Live

