Skills-OVATE: Skills Online Vacancy Analysis Tool for Europe is an online tool, developed by Cedefop – the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, which aims to offer insight on the landscape of jobs throughout Europe. The tool is part of a project, undertaken by Cedefop to analyse information from online job advertisements across 28 European countries and highlight the skills and job roles most sought after by employers. Skills-OVATE is part of Skills Panorama, an initiative by the Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL) of the European Commission and Cedefop that aims to bring insights on job trends and employment closer to European citizens.

Between the period from July 2018 to December 2020, more than 100 million online job advertisements were gathered and analysed for the purposes of constructing the online tool. The most relevant and in-demand skills and occupations were extracted and subsequently analysed against commonly established qualification frameworks such as ISCO-08 (for occupation) or ESCO (for skills). Skills-OVATE visualises this information in a user-friendly way in order to offer a comprehensive picture of the skills needs and supply in certain regions, localities, cities, and Member States. Visualisation metrics in the tool are always based on data gathered over the course of the previous year and reports are available for each of the 28 countries.

Skills-OVATE offers detailed information on the jobs and skills employers demand based on online job advertisements (OJAs) in 28 European countries. Information is based on a variety of sources from different origins, including private job portals, public employment service portals, recruitment and government agencies, online newspapers and corporate job boards. Skills-OVATE is updated 4 times per year, with yearly averages for key variables available via Cedefop’s dedicated skills intelligence platform.

The top 3 sectors for generating employment in Europe in 2020 were manufacturing, administrative services and professional services.

Digital technology / specialisation

  • Digital skills

Digital skill level

  • Basic
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced
  • Digital Expert

Geographic Scope - Country

  • European Union

Type of initiative

EU institutional initiative

Target audience

  • Digital skills for the labour force.
  • Digital skills for all

Target language

  • English


Based on common and internationally recognised qualification frameworks for occupation, education, skills, etc: ESCO, ISCO-08.

Main document - File for download

Supporting documents

Target group

  • High Achievers
  • Persons requiring employment retraining
  • Persons in tertiary education (EQF 6)
  • Persons who have completed tertiary education (EQF 7)
  • Persons with 0-3 years work experience
  • Persons who have completed secondary/compulsory education
  • Persons in tertiary education (EQF 7)
  • Persons in tertiary education (EQF 8)
  • Persons with 3-10 years work experience
  • Persons who have completed tertiary education (EQF 6)

Skills resource type

Other training material