Two centuries of history support the history of the University of Cordoba, which, founded as such in 1972, collapses its roots at the Free University which operated in the province at the end of the nineteenth century and has studies of hundreds such as veterinary studies, which are unique in Andalusia. Its youth and average dimensions — the UCO has 21.000 pupils; Just over 1.200 teachers and 700 workers have given it the necessary dynamism to adapt and enter the twenty-first century as a university of high quality teaching and proven scientific expertise.

UCO studies range from Humanities and Legal and Social Sciences to Health Sciences and Science-Technical Careers, three areas corresponding to their structuring into three major campuses: Social law, integrated into the urban centre; Health, to the west of the capital, and agri-food, scientific and technical Rabanales in the east. In addition, UCO has the Polytechnic School of Belmez, which is sixty kilometres from the cordobese capital.

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Digital technology / specialisation

  • Telecommunications
  • Software

Geographic Scope - Country

  • Spain

Target audience

  • Digital skills in education.